- Residential Painters Lake Macquarie
Submitted by: Pete Malcolm
Stamped concrete is concrete that is textured to resemble brick, slate, wood tile, et al. It is commonly used for patios, sidewalks, pool decks, interior decking and other flooring options. The capacity or ability of stamped concrete to resemble other building materials makes it much cheaper as a construction material compared to other building materials. There are three features about stamped concrete that should be considered before you make your final decisions about how and where you will use it in your home or business.
The Base Colour
Colour may be added to the concrete by two methods. The base colour is the primary or original colour of the concrete. This is also called the integral colour procedure where the entire volume of concrete is dyed with the base colour. Powder pigment is added to the concrete and also acts as a hardener. The concrete may also be coloured on the surface. The concrete is dyed using cast on colour or where the surface of the concrete is dyed with the intended colour.
Accenting Colour
This represents the second manner by which stamped concrete comes into fruition. The concrete contractor that you elect to perform all works of stamped concrete on your concrete blocks will advice you that in so far as accenting colour of a piece of concrete is concerned, accenting colour represents the secondary colour in a piece of stamped concrete and its purpose is to draw out the texture of a piece of concrete. This is performed by a technology referred to as colour release. Colour release has two purposes. It is a pigment and is used to colour the concrete with the pattern of the stamps. It is also used as a non-adhesive in that it prevents the concrete stamps from sticking to the concrete.
The Pattern
The pattern that is in the concrete is made by imprinting the concrete after it has been poured; the concrete stamps are ultimately the factor that is used to create the designs. Stamped concrete, apart from being rather relatively cheaper than other building material, has the advantage of being visually appealing. Which has the benefit of increasing the value of a property. It is also durable as a building material. For all of your stamped concrete projects enlist the services of a qualified stamped concrete contractor.
Using a qualified stamped concrete contractor will give you the following advantages over using a non-qualified contractor- they are a licensed artisan and consequently you can rely on the quality of their work. Secondly, these folk are schooled on the science and the art that putting up stamped concrete entails and consequently you do not get workmanship that is wanting in terms of quality. The last advantage that these folk bring to a job is the aspect of experience that essentially means that they are able to build upon their years on the job to ensure that whatever final package they come up with for you, you essentially get the best in terms of what the years have taught them.
About the Author:
Elite Concrete
stamped concrete services
including stamped concrete patios, driveways and full landscaping designs. Find out why Elite Concrete is one of the top concrete contractors in Toronto and the GTA.
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