Health Benefits And Disadvantages Of Alcohol

By Ethan Armitage

As confusing as it may seem, in small quantities, alcohol can be benefic for health. But excess can produce so much damage, that any trace of a benefit is erased. Moderate use of alcohol includes two drinks for a man and only one for a woman per day, under the age of 65. Together with his doctor, a person will establish whether to enjoy a glass of wine or a beer, or this can seriously affect health.

In small quantities, the following benefits can result from alcohol:

– It decreases the risk of cardiovascular problems

– Decreases the possibility of lethal heart attack

– Sometimes, alcohol reduces the possibility of ischemic or other kind of strokes

– Diminishes the possibility of gallstone

– It may reduce the diabetes danger

In large quantities, or in excess, the consequences may be terrible:

– The pancreas, the mouth, pharynx, esophageal, breast and liver are more likely to be affected by cancer

– Pancreatitis may appear, especially in youth

– Stroke


– Atrophy of the brain

– Cirrhosis

– Pregnancy problems, like spontaneous abortion

– Possible malformations and other birth problems of the fetus

– Car accidents

– Suicidal tendencies

– Sudden death in case of cardiovascular problems

– Cardiophaty generated by alcohol

There are certain diseases that forbid the affected person to drink at all, such as:

– Conditions of the liver

– Affection of the pancreas

– Precancerous stages affecting the digestive system

– A record including a previous hemorrhagic stroke

Pregnant women or people whose family has an alcohol related background must be extremely cautious and, if possible, not to drink at all.

One drink each day is permitted to persons over 65 years, because in their case, a higher consume is more dangerous; the process of absorption needs more time, the effects are stronger, and the risk of intoxication is a real one.

Alcohol must not be used during the following medications’ administration:

– Anticoagulants

– Medication for diabetes

– Beta blockers

– Antihistamines

– Antibiotics

– Antidepressants

– Pain relievers

– Sleeping pills

Alcohol should not interfere with medication at all, because in combination to aspirin increases its stomach damaging action and the possibility of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, if combined with acetamine damages the liver.

Both he positive effects of a reduced quantity and the dangerous, negative ones must be taken into consideration. Also, a person shouldn’t be influenced to drink, because no doctor will give such piece of advice. Consumed with responsibility and moderation, in case of healthy persons, the alcohol doesn’t need to be completely eliminated.

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